Sebastien Destercke
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Heudiasyc, UMR 6599
Université de Technologie de Compiegne,
Centre de recherche de Royallieu,
60205 COMPIEGNE Cedex


Tel : +33 (0)3 44 23 79 85
Fax : +33 (0)43 44 23 44 77
E-mail : sebastien_destercke-at-cirad_fr

Born 30/08/1980

Live in couple

Belgian nationality

Driver Licence

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2005 - 2008 PhD in computer science "Representation and combination of uncertainty: new results with application to nuclear safety issues" - Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse (France)
2006 Second summer school on imprecise probabilities (SIPTA), Madrid
1998 - 2004 Master Degree of engineering in computer sciences, applied mathematics and economy - Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (Belgium)
2003 - 2004 Erasmus year in Supaero (Toulouse), information science and financial engineering
French Fluent (mother tongue)
English Fluent (TOEIC score : 970)
Spanish Basic notions
Dutch Basic notions
Computer science
Professional use C, C++, Latex
Occasional use Java, Delphi, Visual Basic, HTML, php, SQL
Professional use  Matlab, Fispro
Occasional use  RiskCalc, FileMaker Pro, Microsoft Office
Operating systems Windows, Unix, Linux
Professional experience
2011-nowResearcher at CNRS in the HEUDIASYC ("Heuristic and Diagnosis for Complex Systems")
2009-2011Research engineer at CIRAD in the IATE (Agropolymer Engineering and Emerging Technologies) laboratory
2008-2009 Teaching and research assitant in applied mathematics - Mirail University, Toulouse
2005-2008 PhD in computer science "Representation and combination of uncertainty: new results with application to nuclear safety issues":

  • Theoretical studies and new methods development
  • Implementations in SUNSET software (C++) used at IRSN to treat uncertainties
  • Applications to powerplant safety issues and in radiological protection
2004 Study and implementation of a fuzzy inductive method in FisPro software (C++) - 6 months internship, LASB, INRA, Montpellier (France)
  • Member of the BFAS board 2011 - 2013
  • Executive editor of SIPTA (Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications) 2011 - 2013
  • Member of the program commitee of ISIPTA (2009,2011), UAI (2010,2011), ECSQARU (2011), SOCPAR (2010), IHMSC (2011).
  • Member of the organization committee for 
    • LFA 06 (Rencontres francophones sur la logique floue et ses applications)
    • SMPS 08 (Soft methods in probability and statistics)
  • Member of SIPTA (Society for Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications) since 2006 
  • Reviewer for several conferences (LFA 2009, SMPS 2008 and 2010, EUSFLAT 2009, IPMU 2010) and journals ("J. of Statistical Theory and Practice", "Artificial Intelligence", "Int. J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Bases", "Journal of the Franklin Institute", "Int. J. of Approximate Reasoning", "Artificial Intelligence Journal", "Journal of Risk and Reliability", "Mathematical Social Sciences", "IEEE Trans. on Man, Syst. and Cybernetics", "Fuzzy sets and systems", "Int. J. of Reliability and Safety", "Annals of Operations Research", "Information sciences", "Hydrology and Earth System Sciences", "Aided-computer design")
  • 2008 : Lambda-Mu d'or award, category "new challenges"
  • 2009 : IJAR young researcher (gold) award


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