Sebastien Destercke
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Work In Progress

  • Rallou Thomopoulos, Sebastien Destercke, Brigitte Charnomordic, Iyan Johnson, Joel Abecassis. "An iterative approach to build ontology aware and relevant data-driven models" Submitted
  • Lev Utkin, Sebastien Destercke. "Computing expectations with continuous p-boxes: multivariate case" In progress.
  • Matthias Troffaes, Enrique Miranda, Sebastien Destercke. "On the connection between probability boxes and possibility measures" Submitted.
Book Chapters
  • Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois. "Special cases of imprecise probabilities", in Introduction To Imprecise Probabilities. In Progress.

Journal Papers

  1. Sebastien Destercke, Olivier Strauss "Filtering with clouds". Accepted in soft computing.
  2. Sebastien Destercke "A K-nearest neighbours method based on imprecise probabilities." Accepted in soft computing.
  3. Sebastien Destercke, Valérie Guillard. "Interval analysis on non-linear monotonic systems as an efficient tool to optimise fresh food packaging." Accepted in Computers and Electronics in Agriculture.
  4. Sebastien Destercke, Patrice Buche, Brigitte Charnomordic "Evaluating data reliability: an evidential answer with application to a Web-enabled data warehouse" Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 
  5. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois. "Idempotent conjunctive combination of belief functions: extending the minimum rule of possibility theory". Information Sciences. Vol 181, n°18, pp 3925-2945, 2011. (paper)
  6. Sebastien Destercke "Handling bipolar knowledge with credal sets." International Journal of Intelligent Systems. Vol 26, n°5, pp 426-443, 2011. (paper)
  7. Matthias Troffaes, Sebastien Destercke. "Probability boxes on totally preordered spaces for multivariate modelling" International Journal of Approximate Reasoning.Vol 52, pp 767-791, 2011. (paper)
  8. Sebastien Destercke, Patrice Buche, Valérie Guillard. "A flexible bipolar querying approach with imprecise data and guaranteed results"Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol 169, pp. 51-64, 2011. (paper)
  9. Eric Chojnacki, Jean Baccou, Sebastien Destercke. "Numerical sensitivity and efficiency in the treatment of epistemic and aleatory uncertainty" International Journal of General Systems, Vol 39, n°7, pp 683-704, 2009. (paper)
  10. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Possibilistic approximation of independent consonant random sets". International Journal of Fuzziness, Uncertainty and Knowledge-based systems, Vol 17, n°6, pp 773-792, 2009. (paper)
  11. Lev Utkin, Sebastien Destercke. "Computing expectations with continuous p-boxes: univariate case". International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol 50, n°5, pp 778-798, 2009. (paper)
  12. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Possibilistic information fusion using maximal coherent subsets". IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol 17, n°1, pp 79-92, 2009. (paper)
  13. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Unifying practical uncertainty representations: I. Generalized p-boxes". International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol 49, n° 3, pp 649-663, 2008. (paper)
  14. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Unifying practical uncertainty representations: II. Clouds". International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol 49, n° 3, pp 664-677, 2008. (paper)
  15. Sebastien Destercke, Eric Chojnacki. "Methods for the evaluation and synthesis of multiple sources of information applied to nuclear computer codes". Nuclear Engineering and Design, n° 238, pp 2484-2493, 2008. (paper)
  16. Sebastien Destercke, Serge Guillaume, Brigitte Charnomordic. "Building an interpretable fuzzy rule base from data using orthogonal least squares: application to a depollution problem". Fuzzy Sets and Systems, n° 158, pp 2078-2094, 2007. (paper)
Conference papers (with proceedings and reviewing)

  1. Sebastien Destercke, Benjamin Quost "Combining binary classifiers with imprecise probabilities", IUKM 2011, Hangzhou.
  2. Sebastien Destercke, Patrice Buche, Brigitte Charnomordic "Data reliability assessment in a data warehouse opened on the Web", FQAS 2011, Ghent.
  3. Matthias Troffaes, Sebastien Destercke. "Probability boxes on totally preordered spaces for multivariate modelling" ISIPTA 2011, Innsbruck. 
  4. Enrique Miranda, Matthias Troffaes, Sebastien Destercke. "On the connection between probability boxes and possibility measures" EUSFLAT 2011, Aix-Les-Bains.
  5. Olivier Strauss, Sebastien Destercke. "F-boxes for filtering" EUSFLAT 2011, Aix-Les-Bains.
  6. Sebastien Destercke. "2-monotonicity and independence: nice to have, hard to keep" ECSQARU 2011, Belfast.
  7. Fatiha Sais, Rallou Thomopoulos and Sebastien Destercke "Ontology-Driven Possibilistic Reference Fusion". ODBASE 2010, Crète. (paper)
  8. Sebastien Destercke "Handling bipolar knowledge with credal sets". SMPS 2010, Oviedo (paper)
  9. Sebastien Destercke "A decision rule for imprecise probabilities based on pair-wise comparison of expectation bounds". SMPS 2010, Oviedo (paper)
  10. Iyan Johnson, Joël Abécassis, Brigitte Charnomordic, Sebastien Destercke, Rallou Thomopoulos "Making Ontology-Based Knowledge and Decision Trees Interact: An Approach to Enrich Knowledge and Increase Expert Confidence in Data-Driven Models". KSEM 2010, Belfast (paper)
  11. Sebastien Destercke "Evaluating Trust from Past Assessments with Imprecise Probabilities: Comparing Two Approaches". SUM 2010, Toulouse (paper)
  12. Sebastien Destercke "Fuzzy belief structures viewed as classical belief structures: a practical viewpoint" Fuzz'IEEE 2010, Barcelona. (paper)
  13. Sebastien Destercke "A new contextual discounting rule for lower probabilities" Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 10), 2010, Dortmund (paper)
  14. Sebastien Destercke "A K-nearest neighbours method based on lower previsionsInformation Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 10), 2010, Dortmund (paper)
  15. Sebastien Destercke and Olivier Strauss "Imprecise Linear filtering suing clouds" Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 10), 2010, Dortmund (paper)
  16. Sebastien Destercke. "Independence concepts in evidence theory: some results about epistemic irrelevance and imprecise belief functions" Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, 2010, Brest (paper)
  17. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois. "Idempotent merging of Belief Functions: Extending the Minimum Rule of Possibility Theory" Workshop on the Theory of Belief Functions, 2010, Brest (paper)
  18. Sebastien Destercke, Rallou Thomopoulos, Fatiha Saïs. "Evidential reference fusion and flexible querying" Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications, 2009, Annecy (paper)
  19. Jean Baccou, Eric Chojnacki, Sebastien Destercke. "Combining probability and possibility to respect the evaluation of safety margins". ENBIS-EMSE 2009. (paper)
  20. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois. "The role of generalised p-boxes in imprecise probability models" Sixth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications (ISIPTA'09). Durham (paper)
  21. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois. "Can the minimum rule of possibility be extended to belief functions?" European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2009). (paper).
  22. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Computing with generalized p-boxes: preliminary results". Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 08), 2008, Malaga (paper)
  23. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Possibilistic approximation of independent consonant random sets combination". Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA 08), 2008, Lens (paper)
  24. Enrique Miranda, Matthias Troffaes, Sebastien Destercke. "Generalized p-boxes on totally ordered spaces" Fourth international conference on soft methods in probaility and statistics (SMPS), 2008 (paper)
  25. Sebastien Destercke, Gert de Cooman "Relating epistemic irrelevance to event trees" Fourth international conference on soft methods in probaility and statistics (SMPS), 2008 (paper)
  26. Sebastien Destercke, Eric Chojnacki "Extension of methods simulating dependencies to imprecise probabilistic modelsEuropean safety and reliability conference, ESREL, 2008 (paper)
  27. Sebastien Destercke, Eric Chojnacki "Evaluation, analysis and synthesis of multiple source information: an application to nuclear computer codes." European safety and reliability conference, ESREL, 2008 (paper)
  28. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Une méthode de fusion possibiliste basée sur les sous-ensembles maximaux cohérents". Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA 07), 2007, Nîmes (paper) (slides)
  29. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Cautious conjunctive merging of belief functions". European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2007). (paper) (slides)
  30. Lev Utkin, Sebastien Destercke. "Computing expectations with p-boxes : two views of the same problem". Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications (ISIPTA'07). (paper) (slides) (poster)
  31. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Relating Practical Representations of imprecise Probabilities". Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities and Their Applications (ISIPTA'07). (paper) (slides) (poster)
  32. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Transforming probability intervals into other uncertainty models". European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT) Conference 2007 (paper) (slides)
  33. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Possibilistic information fusion using maximal coherent subsets". FUZZ'IEEE 2007 (paper) (slides)
  34. Sebastien Destercke, Serge Guillaume, Brigitte Charnomordic. "Using the OLS algorithm to build interpretable rule bases: an application to a depollution problem". FUZZ'IEEE 2007 (paper) (slides)
  35. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "Fusion d'opinions d'experts et théories de l'incertain". Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA 06), 2006, Toulouse (paper) (slides)
  36. Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois. "A unified view of some representations of imprecise probabilities". International Conference on Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics (SMPS 2006), Bristol, J. Lawry , E. Miranda, A. Bugarin, S. Li (Eds.), Springer, Advances in Soft Computing, p. 249-257, 2006. (paper) (slides)
  37. Sebastien Destercke, Serge Guillaume, Brigitte Charnomordic. "Amélioration de l'interprétabilité d'un algorithme classique d'induction de règles floues". Rencontres francophones sur la Logique Floue et ses Applications (LFA 04), 2004, Nantes (paper) (slides)
Conference papers (without proceedings and/or reviewing)
  • Eric Chojnacki, Jean Baccou, Sebastien Destercke "Numerical sensitivity and efficiency in the treatment of epistemic and aleatory uncertainty" Fifth International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output (SAMO), 2007 (paper) (poster)
  • Sebastien Destercke, Didier Dubois, Eric Chojnacki. "On the relationships between random sets, possibility distributions, p-boxes and clouds". 28th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory. 2007 (paper) (slides)
Seminar, workshop papers
  • Sebastien Destercke. "Representation and synthesis of expert opinions" (in french). Journées des thèses IRSN 2006, Colle-sur-Loup. (paper) (slides)
  • Sebastien Destercke. "Information treatment methods illustrated by an application to the BEMUSE OCDE Benchmark" (in french). Journées des thèses IRSN 2007, Aussois. (paper) (slides)
Reports, Technical Notes
  • Sebastien Destercke. "Improving interpretability of a fuzzy rule induction algorithm and comparison with other induction methods" (in french). Internship Report, 2004. (report)
  • Sebastien Destercke. "Uncertainty representation and combination: new results with application to nuclear safety issues". Thesis, 2008. (thesis)


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